Take something unwanted, Create something beautiful, Do something good.

Part One

Taking care of your creative hands in a caring, sustainable and Earth-friendly way. When I started Oath Home, I wove my personal values into the company, instilling an ethos of working compassionately and sustainably throughout all we do.

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Moreover, this ethos is also echoed in my home life where I strive to take care and to do something good. This includes what I use in my beauty routines. I’ve made my own sustainable beauty oils since I was young; after training as a beauty therapist in my early twenties, my passion for natural beauty solutions only amplified. These are my go-to products and current favourites for keeping my hands in tip top shape.

sewing together a better future

Hard-working Hands

In the studio at Oath Home, our hands take a bit of a battering. All of the fabric cutting, stock sorting, and hand washing can take its toll. At the end of a busy day, our hands can feel sore and dry, our nails can be broken, and, on the odd occasion, we can be nursing nicks and sores from little sewing accidents. Unfortunately, slathering moisturiser on during the day is not an option because the oils in the lotions and creams would transfer to the fabrics. Therefore, we have to power on to the end of the day.

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Always sustainable

We have talked in previous blogs about the sustainable approach we take when creating our products. However, in this blog series, I explore sustainable and natural ways to keep hands moisturised and healthy. Furthermore, I will divulge some recipes for homemade hand care that I use in my own home. And finally, I will share my superhero products for those times when your hands just need that extra bit of TLC.

Anna Allington, Founder & Director

Anna is Oath Home’s Founder & Director and is the CEO of Oath Home Limited


Sugar, Spearmint and Surgical Spirit:Sanitising Sustainably


Regal. Resplendent. Regency.