Could a circular economy model save the textiles industry?

If the textile sector chose a circular economy model, the negative consequences of environmental pollution and waste production could be mitigated whilst also generating more economic opportunities.  Most linear economy businesses use tons of nonrenewable resources to produce a product that will most likely be used for a limited period and is ultimately destined to become waste because of how it has been designed and made. These businesses models are not sustainable in the modern world. This is one of the inspirations behind the founding of Oath Home.

We’re proud to say we operate under a circular economy business model. By rescuing unused fabric that would otherwise be sent to landfill or incinerated and turning it into sustainable products, we are preventing vast amounts of CO2 from entering the atmosphere and reducing waste production in the industry.  Every aspect of our products has sustainability as its focus. All of our cushions are made with a back fold, meaning that zips are not necessary. The cushion pad linings consist of 100% recycled white cotton, and we only use cushion pads that contain feathers with ethical, sustainable, and humane provenance.

Our products are made from luxury and high-quality fabrics that are designed to last a lifetime. Because our products are inspired by the materials we receive, all products are exclusive and one of a kind. Since our products are all handmade, no two cushions are made the same. We are so proud of this company and hope it inspires people to buy more sustainably, with something you can also be proud of in your home.


For our new visitors….Welcome


Have a sustainable Christmas.