Have a sustainable Christmas.

Ah, Christmas. One of the most wonderful and magical times of the year for so many. A period of celebrations, traditions, and plenty of indulgences. But how many of us know the real impact Christmas can have on the world around us?

It is estimated that the festive season produces 30% more waste than usual. When you think about it, this isn’t all that surprising. With cards, bubble wrap, wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, tags, sticky tape, packaging, trees, drinks and food all consumed in excess - that’s a lot of waste! One of the main parts of Christmas is gift-giving. However, so many gifts are received each year that get pushed to the back of a wardrobe or thrown away. It’s estimated that people in the UK receive around 70 million unwanted Christmas gifts every year, putting unnecessary waste into the environment. The more waste sent to landfills, the more methane and carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, perpetuating the warming cycle.

So, instead, this Christmas, why don’t you turn your attention to less wasteful alternatives. The most cost-efficient and sustainable resources are the ones you already have, which makes it a perfect way to combat Christmas waste. Up-cycling what you already have could be the perfect present for someone else. If you’re unwilling to depart from your own items, there are plenty of other alternatives. You could gift an experience and make Christmas more memorable by doing activities together. Or get a group of friends or family together and set up a Secret Santa. There is also the option of hand-crafting your gifts, which is beneficial for your mind, environment, and bank balance. 

Or, and this is our favourite option, you could gift an Oath Home product to someone special. Our products are sustainably made as they are all designed from unwanted luxury fabrics that would have otherwise been sent to landfills or incinerated. We also promise that the profits from the sale of our products go to the charity Step by Step who aim to break the cycle of youth homelessness. Christmas is such a challenging time to be homeless, especially as a young person. Last Christmas, Step by Step accommodated 272 young people, providing a safe place to stay. If you want to help a young person, this Christmas have a look at the Step by Step website with ways to get involved.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from the Oath Home Team!


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