No Tassel Left Behind

luxury fabircs saved waste bespoke cushion pillow social enterprise deluxe silk satin velvet velour1.jpeg

No matter how small our offcuts get, we will put them to good use.

Here at Oath Home, we are always excited to receive our latest donation of unwanted, luxury, designer fabrics. However, this does mean that we do not know what type of material will be arriving and how much there will be on the roll.  

When we receive our donations, we immediately don our creative hats to design what can be made and in what quantity; our sustainable souls work out how much of the fabric can be directed away from landfill and turned into something luxurious and beautiful.

In the Studio and indeed throughout Oath Home, we live by our ethos Take something unwanted, create something beautiful, do something good. The majority of our donations are pre-consumer materials, meaning that they have made it to us before they have been turned into an item of clothing or furniture; we are passionate about breaking the cycle of these unwanted fabrics being destroyed or taken to landfill.


We believe that by extending the life of fabrics already in existence, we can divert post-production, end of roll luxury material from this unnecessary fate and reduce the amount of fabric that needs to be produced in the future.

Every piece of fabric can be useful – whether twenty metres are needed for a child’s play tent (watch this space!) or just a few inches of silk that can be made into a trim, we strive to make sure nothing goes to waste.


Our bread and butter is the creation of large, square cushions that are stuffed to the brim with ethically sourced duck feathers and down, followed by lumbar and bolster cushions that are created from the pieces of fabrics between the original pattern.

As the remaining off cuts get smaller and smaller, we design and make suitable pieces. You will find us using corners to make face masks, thin strips to make scented pouches to hang in the wardrobe and, if we are lucky and the fabric works, we can make our beautiful cube door stops. Working this way is particularly useful when we are carrying out bespoke requests.

Our goal is to have as little fabric left over as possible.


In an effort to keep the requirement of newly manufactured products to a minimum, we make a concerted effort to use as few consumables as possible; we create envelope openings in our cushions to avoid the use of manufactured zips, make trimmings for our stocking from donated tassels and fringing from costume departments, and use only recycled and recyclable packaging for all of our deliveries.


The Mathematics of Waste


Step-by-Step with Step by Step